Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

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Teens, Video and Social Media–The Future of the Internet


As someone writing about public relations and social media, I try to bring fresh perspectives to my subjects. But recent articles and research from Pew Internet and an array of other sources on teens and the internet cover the subject rather well.  See the graphic below based on Pew Internet data by Online College.Org.

Eighty percent of on-line teens use social media sites. All of us are trying to figure out social media and what it means for the organizations we represent “but” what we do know is that social plus internet-based video and audio is the future of communication.

But Traditional Media Dominates:

Traditional media continues to rule especially when it comes to local news and purchases. Even national news is dominated by television and most internet-based connections for breaking information continue to go to traditional news sites.

It’s no wonder we’re confused as to what social media means now. But there is no confusion as to what social (defined as anything that focuses on an exchange of information) means for the future.

The Future:

Traditional media may dominate purchases and national/local news now but that will change. Teens are used to going to the internet as a primary choice for information. Even Baby Boomers are becoming increasingly social.

The sources below are just a hint as to what’s to come and communicators need to pay attention.

Best, Len.

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