Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

Internet and Public Policy Marketing Mobile/Smart Phones/Tablets Nonprofits/Associations

Target Smart Phone and Tablet News Consumers

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (a site for government, associations and nonprofits)

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Concerned about reaching those involved in local issues?   Target those using smart phone and tablets to get access to local news.

There is additional research stating that smart phone/tablet users purchase more items than the average consumer which means a possible willingness to pay for memberships and support causes.

Pew Internet states that 47 percent of mobile users get news on their cell phones or tablets. But the big news is “involvement” in local issues.  If you are paying for greater access to news and information, you’re more likely to take desired actions.

Pew Summary of Mobile Local News Consumers:

35% of mobile local news consumers feel they can have a big impact on their community (vs. 27% of other adults)

65% feel it is easier today than five years ago to keep up with information about their community (vs. 47% of nonmobile connectors)

51% use six or more different sources or platforms monthly to get local news and information (vs. 21%)

75% use social network sites (vs. 42%)

15% use Twitter (vs. 4%)

Quality Versus Quantity:

The research from Pew hints at something I call the “Quality Web.”

Research tells us that a minority of web or social media visitors will be power users.  As sales people know, the majority of sales come from a minority of customers.

We (unless you’re in advertising) need to stop fretting about the bounce rates (one page only visitors) or the short time spent on websites by the majority of visitors. Focus on the power users. Give them a reason to buy, support a cause or donate.

The internet, clearinghouses and business all have one thing in common; approximately 25 percent of visitors are truly interested in what you have to say. Satisfy them and you accomplish your goals.

Your Opinion?

Best, Len.

If you like this article, please comment, share or follow. Thanks!!!

Source: https://www.leonardsipes.com/twenty-five-percent-dominate-the-internet-the-quality-web/

Source: http://pewinternet.org/

Source: https://www.leonardsipes.com/11-percent-of-americas-own-tablets-what-does-it-mean-for-your-website/


