Leonard Sipes.Com

Public Relations-Media Relations-Emergency Management

Social Media

Having fun with government social media and YouTube


Now there’s a contradiction for you-having fun with government social media. In my 30 years of government public relations, fun doesn’t enter the conversation all that often. Granted, my work is for the criminal justice system, but I’ve partnered with public affairs specialists in a variety agencies and the last thing on anyone’s mind is anything whimsical or witty or free-spirited.

But is this a reason as to why citizens have a hard time relating to government? Do we have to be serious all the time?

Social media “allows” us to rethink the way we do business. Social media encourages us to push the boundaries. One boundary is the stoic public affairs officer and dour reports to the public.

All I’m suggesting is that we lighten up a tad and expose citizens to “real” people (“real” people like themselves).

Social media means that things don’t have to be perfect. Flubbing a line during an audio or video podcast is fine. Making fun of yourself during a presentation is OK. A smile is preferred.

The attached link to a YouTube video illustrates this point. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-_qGND-lTk .

Maybe, just maybe it’s fine to be human. Maybe that’s what citizens want; a little more humanity and realism from government.

Feel free to disagree.

Best, Len.



    • Hi Kristy: It’s a fantastic video. I added you as a link in my blogroll.
      Best, Len.

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